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Benchmarking the finance and SG&A expenses across industries

Benchmarking the finance and SG&A expenses across industries

Case Studies

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Benchmarking the finance and SG&A expenses across industries


The data mining focused on benchmarking the cost and FTE structure for finance and SG&A functions across industries. The client wanted to evaluate different KPIs and data metrics in terms of reporting relationshipand seniority level for Finance and SG&A functions.

Key Screening Points

  • Key opinion leaders with more than 15 years of expertise into Finance and SG&A were onboarded.

  • Organisations with entity revenue of at least 500 Million USD were were included as per scope.

  • Experts with job titles - CFO, Finance Director, VP- Finance, Director/Senior Director- Finance were on-boarded.

Key Discussion Points

  • Insights into the employee and cost allocation across different functions of Finance- Cash Disbursements, Accounting, Business Analysis, Budgeting & Forecasting
  • Understand the employee and Cost allocation across different functions like Finance, HR, IT Suppl chain, Sales & Marketing, Government Affairs.
  • What are the variations in Direct & indirect spent, Cost of goods sold, profits, assets and overheads.
  • Understand the overall growth of the company in terms of Net Revenue, workforce headcount and reporting relationship across functions.

Coverage across geographies

HBGTM Solution

  • HBGTM team successfully delivered the project within 3 to 4 weeks by shortlisting, scheduling and executing final discussion to capture all required datapoints.
  • Outcome was delivered in Excel Format to the client meeting the expectation range of cost and FTE Structure.
  • The respondent category targeted was extremely niche, our team followed 3-way approach in terms of reaching out to experts via LinkedIn, Mass Mails and Cold Calling.
  • With 100% efficiency HBGTM team conducted the discussions with the desired category of respondents and successfully delivered the required sample within the timelines.

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