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Online Surveys


Online data collection is one of our major fortes and we provide our clients a unique approach to capture emotions, motivations, values and aspirations from targeted audiences. Our programmatic research solutions offer efficient and custom data you can trust.

  • 24/7 capabilities to run online surveys in 100+ countries across the globe at competitive costs.
  • We cater all online research methodologies i.e. sample only, multi country projects, tracking studies, product testing, client sample surveys, incidence rate checks and mobile surveys.

We own a strong and constantly growing propriety panels across Europe, North America, Middle East, Africa and Americas. Additionally, we also provide access to premium online panels across the globe via certified local partners. Targeting hard-to-reach audiences for your research needs across the world is no longer a challenge, but much easier. We help researchers and act as a bridge for them to reach these audiences and offer comprehensive in-depth profiling for all markets with help of many criteria.

  • Faster-Turnaround

    Faster Turnaround

  • Consultative2

    Consultative Approach

  • quality-Insights-&

    Quality Insights & Validation

  • extensive-coverage

    Extensive Coverage

Member invitation process
  • Panel is curated via an invite-based recruitment method i.e. no self-selection.
  • Members are shortlisted by a dedicated team using multiple sources and are onboarded via online/traditional method.
  • Confirmation of identity is done by various techniques including system and personnel control.
  • In omit multiple entries and fraudulent panelists, registration information is automatically scanned by the system.
  • As members grow mature, their profiling goes on which further classifies them as they engage with us in more and more surveys, we get to know who they are what drives their views.
Verification & Validation
  • Each member is allocated a personal/unique account providing access to surveys, engagement history etc.
  • Members not logging-on or responding to surveys for 200 days are considered "Inactive".
  • Every 6 months, members are requested to update their registered information through newsletters, emails.
  • We make sure that panel members see the impact that their feedback has and how it helps. We send them updates and insights about how feedback from the panel is being used to shape decisions and change the direction of the globe.
  • We follow an intensive validation approach in which IP geographic location and verification of the workplace is done by three step process i.e. workplace email check, social media and lastly via a phone call.
B2B Panel Snapshot

Download Our B2B Panel Book


Download our panel book for more info.
